Eye Lid Surgery Antalya Turkey
What is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and muscle from both the upper and lower eyelids along with underlying fatty tissue.
Blepharoplasty can improve drooping skin and bagginess. This can also help to improve vision in older patients, who have hooding of their upper eyelids. It can make a noticeable difference in the appearance of the face by reducing or even removing the appearance of tiredness and old age.
Eyes will appear fresher and more youthful. The degree of improvement varies from patient to patient.
Blepharoplasty will not eradicate the wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) nor will it elevate droopy eyebrows. There are other procedures designed for these purposes. Dark circles under the eyes may improve slightly if this is related to the presence of large eye bags, but most often the dark appearance of the lower eyelid skin remains.
Blepharoplasty can make a remarkable difference in the appearance of the face, alleviating the appearance of tiredness and age.
Please note that: Additional supportive operations such as fat injections, face lifting or subperiosteal midface lifting are often necessary to obtain ideal results from lower blepharoplasty.
Who is a suitable candidate for facelift surgery?
Any one of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for blepharoplasty: -
• Excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids
• Loose skin hanging down from the upper eyelids, perhaps impairing vision
• A puffy appearance to the upper eyelids, making the eyes look tired
• Excess skin and fine, crêpe-like wrinkles of the lower eyelids
• Droopiness of the lower eyelids, showing white below the iris (coloured portion of the eye)
• Bags and dark circles under the eyes, often with a depression at the bony border of the lower eyelids
How long does eyelid surgery last?
Removal of the fat from the eyelids that is often the cause of puffiness and bags is permanent and this condition should not recur. Skin however, continues to age and laxity, together with fine wrinkles of the eyelid area may at some time return. No guarantee can be given by any surgeon as to exactly how long you can enjoy the results of surgery, however this procedure is known to be long lasting. It is up to the individual person as to how long they are satisfied with the results that have been achieved.
How is the eyelid procedure performed?
The incision is made in the natural skin fold of the upper eyelids and excess skin and fatty tissue is removed. The muscles and orbital septum (a thin connective tissue membrane) may be tightened and following this, the incisions are carefully closed with fine sutures. One of the natural lines are used for incision for lower eyelid surgery. The incision can be 1-2mm lower than ususal not to cause unwanted lower eyelid problems (such as retraction) and also due to increased local oedema for up to some months. Some inexperienced surgeons may criticize this if they see you.
Duration of operation: 15 Minutes for each lid (that result in less bleeding, less operation problems and fast recovery). Local anesthesia is used with or without sedation anaesthesia.
Recommended stay: No overnight stay is necessary unless the procedure is performed in conjunction with others.
What to expect immediately after surgery
Initially, you may feel a tight sensation around the eyes, with minor discomfort that lasts for a day or two. At first the incisions will be red, bumpy and sore, these will eventually sooth out and become almost invisible. Any swelling and bruising usually disappears within 7-10 days (this varies from person to person). Vision may be blurred for a few days and eyes may be sensitive to light. Stitches will be removed at the end of the first week, and within another few days, cover up make-up can be used to conceal any discolouration. People who have had the procedure are often surprised at how painless eyelid surgery can be.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
Straining, bending forward and lifting should be avoided during the early post-operative period however you will be able to resume most of your normal activities in 10 days. You should not wear contact lenses for a week or two.
Can eyelid surgery be performed without scar?
Scars are part of the healing process following any operation but with eyelid surgery these are placed within the normal creases and folds of the upper eyelid. Remaining slightly pink - red for 6 months or so, they can be concealed with makeup eventually fading to a thin, nearly invisible white line. Scar, dimples and swelling may persist for some months on the lower eyelids. Healing process is much faster on the upper eyelids.

What eyelid surgery can treat
Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision
Fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the eyelids
Bags under the eyes
Drooping lower eyelids that reveal white below the iris
Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid
Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?
Good candidates for eyelid surgery include:
Healthy individuals with no medical conditions that can impair healing
Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals
Individuals without serious eye conditions